Sunday, August 23, 2009

You're Only a Day Away

I am absolutely terrified that when school starts I won't be able to get in any reading. As you have probably guessed by now, it begins tomorrow. I will be attending a school completely obsessed with traditions, and I am starting to wonder how long it will be before I am jumped. However, like Galt, Roark, Francisco, Ragnar, and Rearden, I shall press on in some way.

Yesterday I managed to cover quite a bit of ground. Howard met Dominique, they talked, they stared, they battled internally, and they eventually slept together (despite how Dominique thinks it was rape). So cute, so sexy, so page turning! I still find it curious that she has not found out his name, but then again it must just be a way to torture herself for her own happiness. I actually find that an interesting concept, perhaps I shall try it sometime. Not today of course, but someday.

My predictions are that she will marry Peter as punishment for loving Roark (because the word "Howard" is too bland). This isn't really a prediction because it is pretty much assured, but whatever. I just wish that Petey would marry Catherine instead, she is just so nice!

I found it interesting how Toohey compared Tristan and Isodelle to Minnie and Mickey Mouse. It really makes me question which of the two is the better story. Personally, I'm a fan of Tristan and Isodelle (because I am obesessed with King Arthur...teehee) and have a feeling this may be some foreshadowing. All for now, ta ta!

The Fountainhead: 242/704

Friday, August 21, 2009

So Many Pages, So Little Time

My sincerist (or however you spell it) apologies for not posting for the last two days. My life has been the host of a hellish schedule, and I'm sure that you will understand (which you have to, because you don't exist). So, here's a quick rundown of the last two days.

On Thursday I went to a amusement park nearby named Lagoon with my really good friend Royal and her family. This included her cousin, Colby, who tagged around us like he did at school. He was still mad because I referred to him as a slug and wouldn't go out with him. They then tried to drag me onto every ride in the park, and I went on every one except three (because if I went on them I'm sure to have wet my pants). We rode two rides, the Tidal Wave and the White Roller Coaster, about ten times (once on White with our eyes closed as we sat in the very back). It was extremely fun, and when I got back home Colby decided to ask me out again. I declined (again, hello, he should have at least passed one class last year), and I won't be hearing from him for a little while (cue Hallejuah Chorus).

Yesterday I had to become "oriented" with my new high school. Davis was calling it Ignite Day, and I must admit that that sounded pretty darn cool! Then, they started telling us about the bazillion different traditions they had. At this point I was reminded of Fountainhead (I haven't read in two days, my bad!) and starting thinking I could so become a Howard Roark and Dominique Francon of this place. I will write more later, but I am afraid I am out of time.

Happy reading to you all!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sexy Names and Cyborgs

Whoo! 190 pages into The Fountainhead and counting! It truely is an amazing experience to dive head first into a new project, and I am loving every bit of it (and Howard Roark!). The Fountainhead seems to be the classic one man against the world plot with a twist (wow, that sentence was absolutely unoriginal).

So, moving on to the title of today's post. I have finally decided to discuss the matter of Miss Rand's choice of names. Atlas Shrugged thrilled me with the amazingly sexy names of John Galt (just the way the "t" flicks off your tongue), Dagny Taggart (again, I have a thing for the letter "t"), Hank/Henry Rearden, Francisco d'Anconia (whose name I have been spelling wrong until now), and Ragnar Danneskjold. Now, Fountainhead (as I am nicknaming it) has too excited my soul with Dominique Francon and the last name of Roark.

However, on the other end of the spectrum I have to question one simple little name. Howard? Howard? Howard! I imagine a "Howard" as a fat senile old man who sits at his desk smoking cigars (without dollar signs on them). Plus, no matter how large of a fan I am of Keating, Peter makes me think of a cyborg. Perhaps it is because he acts like one (I have a strong desire to smash him over the head with a pumpkin for what he is putting Catherine through).

Dominique continues to humor me. I personally couldn't resist bursting out into hysterical laughter at Peter's attempt to kiss her. I understand what she is feeling, sometimes you really do want to want something. I feel as if she is more of a match to Cherryl Taggart than to Dagny Taggart.

That is all for now, happy reading!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The End is Merely the Beginning

I have finally done it, I have finished Atlas Shrugged. Actually, I finished it on Sunday, but since I was still mourning and my mother (who I've become to call Jimmy) was breathing down my neck. There are so many thoughts racing through my head, and I have but a moment to get them all down.

I was so furious when they took John! I wanted him to have some sort of battle right then and there instead of his Taken moment ("they are going to take me" *swoon*). However, everything was redeemed when Ragnar, Fransicso, Hank, and Dagny bailed him out. I almost cried when Hank was shot, but thankfully he was okay.

My questions on Project X were answered. It is truely amazing how mankind can be destroyed by their own machines (there is a lesson in that!).

All in all, I give the book the following awards:

Best New Amendment to the Constitution
Best Pirate
Best Company (Rearden Steel and Taggart Transcontinental)
Best Book Over 1000 Pages
Most Tearjerking
Best Sex Scene (Hank and Dagny at Wyatt's House)
Best Life Lesson
Coolest Character Names
Best Speech

I could go on and on (and I already have), but I do have one final question.

Whatever happens to Eddie?

Perhaps we shall never know. Soon I will have my critique of this book up on YouTube, and all of my readers are invited to watch it (my username is lavenderlynx). I'm off to read the Fountainhead, and there is only one last thing for me to say.

I swear-by my life and my love of it-that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.

Books Completed:
Atlas Shrugged

Books in Progress:
The Fountainhead
The Virture of Selfishness

Still to Come:
We the Living
The Introduction to Objectivist Espistemoloty
Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal
The Romantic Manifesto

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Move it, Galt Coming Through!

I'm afraid I do not have much time to type, but I must fulfill my duty to my readers who do not exist. I am 38 pages away from finishing, and I feel as if I should not write much until I have finished. All I have to say is.....

World, move the hell out of John Galt's way!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Just Popping In...

I am taking a quick break from Galt's speech to blog. For some strange reason I have the feeling I won't be able to write much later, so here I am listening to music (aren't I always? Only this time it is "Boom Boom Pow", which is slightly annoying...) and writing you lovely readers out there in cyberland (who don't really exist, but who are you to know that?).

So I was thinking of Galt's speech when I was halfway through my nightly run last night when a few questions came to mind (is it just me, or does this sentence seem to be going on and on?).
-Where is Galt giving the speech?
-If it took Rand around 10 years (so I've heard) to write Atlas Shrugged, then how long did it take to write this speech?
-Whatever happened to Project X?

At the current moment I am about halfway through the speech. I would have finished it in one sitting yesterday, but my mother bugged me with tiresome requests. Who needs to eat anyway? And the trash? It can SO walk itself!

I really do not have a lot to report, most of my feelings and things I wish to say mimick what Galt is speaking of at the moment. So yes, I am not going to tell you what he saying because either you have read the book and know, or I am trying to get you to read the book.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

I have finally reached it, "This is John Galt Speaking" is sitting at my fingertips, and yet I feel as if I need to blog before beginning this chapter. As I am sitting here rocking out to "You Belong With Me" and typing, I feel a sense of peace about starting this chapter. Not because it is a truely life changing speech (or so I suspect), but because this chapter will begin my journey to the end. The end of Atlas Shrugged, and the beginning of my understanding.

This morning I decided to do a bit of backtracking to the last time I read of Cherryl (yes, I'm not over it yet!). At this point I hit an incredible "duh" barrier as I read about her running and pretty much plunging to her death. I'm assuming this didn't dawn on me when I was reading because the time at which I was reading was...actually....I don't actually remember.....

So just when I seemed to be getting over Cherryl Ms. Rand decides to kill off yet another character I was beginning to like. Of course, following the age old tradition of finally stating a character's name before they kill them off I learned that the Wet Nurse/Non Abosolute's name is "Tony". Now, is it just me, or does every Tony always get killed off? For example, West Side Story.

Do you see why I'm pretty pissed?

Anyways, Fransicso had me cheering for him once again (did I really dispise him at one point?) when he was all John Wayne (who also was a total bad a**) at the factory. (Oh, a song switch to Starstrukk.) Of all the fake names to choose from the mimick you own, why did he chose "Frank". For some reason that makes me think of a gay hairstylist. Don't ask why, it just does.

So now good old Henry has spoken to one of the destroyers, so I'm pretty cheery about that (but not quite enough to get over Tony. I'll admit, I might have gotten a little sniffly.). But of course I can't forget the moment I screamed "don't let Hank die! Do something Frisco!" when Hank was whacked (although fortunately not by the mob).

Now what was the whole John/Dagny scence in the vault about? I mean, they made out and talked and everything, but it seemed to me as if Ayn Rand was trying to imply something was happening that I wasn't catching onto, but that might just be me. Actually, rereading that part I think they managed to control themselves (somewhat). I mean, doing it in a vault? Okay, that is a little hot. But just a little. Anyways, it didn't happen so why do I care?

It's my life.... Sorry, another song change.

Yesterday my mother and I were talking about houses (this has a point, I promise!) when she made the comment "people are just too greedy." As I have recently changed my thinking, I'll admit I was in total shock.

So, being the annoying little twerp I am I snipped back "it is their house. They have a right to make money off of it. Why would anyone not want to make a profit." To my satisfaction, she didn't say anything back.

Don't you love it when you win?

I'm off to try to muster up the courage to start the chapter. In the meantime, I'll amuse myself with a little bit of disco music.

Ba de da, something to remember..

Name the song and get a prize.